have dedicated this page to all who lost their lives at Wounded Knee. I
find it strange for a girl of Cherokee and Cree blood to have such a strong
pull to the Knee and never been there. Some day I pray I will get to visit
this place that speaks to my soul.
all spirits past, present and future I will end with this prayer.
~Grandfather Great Spirit~
All over the world the faces
of living ones are alike.
With tenderness they have
come up out of the ground.
Look upon your children
that they may face the winds
And walk the good road to the
Day of Quiet.
~ Grandfather Great Spirit~
Fill us with the Light.
Give us the strength to understand,
And the eyes to see,
Teach us to walk the soft Earth
as relatives to all that live.
~Sioux Prayer~
WakanTanka Nici Un
(may the Great Spirit Walk with you and guide you) |